Chamber Music & Solo
- Celan Pieces. Cello & Piano.
- Rasgueo. Quintet fl+cl+bsn+a.sax+b.sax.
- Frío de Límites. Pierrot Quintet.
- Telúrico. String Quartet.
- Resonancia del Frío. Piano.
Celan Pieces
"A very well written work that show a high level of compositional craftsmanship".
"The concise structure and strong musical characterisation of each movement makes the depiction of the three ideas unmistakeable. The pieces lead convincingly from the frenzied grave-digging of the first, through the hope of "entwined" love-at-a-distance of the second, to the mystical experience of nothing, in the third. Very well crafted."-O/Modernt Composition Award Jury
Celan Pieces, duo for Cello and Piano, has been awarded with the 2020 O/Modernt Composition Award. It is a collaboration between the O/Modernt Music Festival, The Goethe Institute and the Birmingham Contemporary Music Group.
The premiere will take place in Birmingham on November 23rd and the following day in Stockholm. -Updated: suspended by COVID-19 situation-
The score is edited by Gehrmans Musikförlag.

In this piece, all the material comes from the Taranto chord. Using Open Music, different interpolations and combinatorial processes are developed, from and to different densities.
En este caso, a partir de un único acorde (de taranto), se desarrolla todo el material de la obra. A partir de Open Music, se trabajan interpolaciones desde y hacia distintas densidades, y aleatoriedad ¿controlada?, organizada en distintos grados.
Sebastián Mariné (dir.) Joaquín Michavila (fl.) José Carlos Gómez (cl.) Samuel Fuentes (sax.) Cristina Ventoso (fg.) David Náñez (sax. b.)
June 2019. Auditorio 400, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Frío de Límites
For Pierrot Quintet. Live at Festival Mixtur 2018 (Barcelona). Plural Ensemble. Fabián Panisello, conductor.
Premiered by Remix Ensemble (Casa da Música, Porto). Awarded in the Povoa de Varzim International Composition Competition.
Written after the poetry of Valente and Gamoneda. Score published by AvA Musical Editions.
I. Frío de Límites II. Borrarse: ser solo huella III. Esta luz IV. Sé tú mi límite
Picture: Mao LiZi
Premiered at Forum Neue Musik (Heidelberg, Germany).
Livia Hermann, violin. Arisa Iida, violin. Marie Takahashi, viola. Sunmi Cho, cello.
You can find this piece and other spanish string quartets composed in the last 100 years, in this anthology published by Tomás Marco.
Resonancia del Frío
Resonancia del Frío, performed by Yumi Suehiro in New York (USA).